Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tardy for the Party...

BUT, I'm really digging Wake Up by The Arcade Fire. It just shakes me to the core with it's truth and sweet sounds...

Listen & be amazed :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Yummy Muffin Top

Equals not so appealing muffin top over jeans :(

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Really Really Really

Want to be crafty.

Tote bags and pillows here i come!

The Reason Why I Don't Have a Boyfriend

My good friend and apartment mate hipped me to this wonderful blog:

It's hilarious! It's true and very identifiable. I thought I'd post the reasons why I don't have a boyfriend when they popped into my head.

Reason number 1:

I quote this lovely 2003 interview word for word

Friday, August 7, 2009


So, I've taken up running and it hurts! I woke up with a headache this morning because my body just can't take it...


Yay! Friday's are pure unadulterated joy. There is just so much expectation that comes with Friday and the weekend. And, I actually like my job. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Once Bitten

Argh, I have a new addiction - YA paranormal/vampire series. I stay up very late at night breathlessly reading the adventures of teen vampires who rule NY.

Sure, I tell people it's for "research," but we all know the deal - I can't wait to read if Schuyler really ends up with Jake. :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Quitting Time!

It's 6:33 and it's sooooo time for me to leave. And today I get to drive Amber's sweet ride home because she has a date. Woohoo for both of us.

New Blog

Succint. I tend to write too much when i blog and then i end up not writing at all, so I decided to create ablog that is full of short entries. I'm trying on my writer's hat again and I thought writing daily on a blog would help. Hopefully this will work