Friday, August 7, 2009


So, I've taken up running and it hurts! I woke up with a headache this morning because my body just can't take it...


Yay! Friday's are pure unadulterated joy. There is just so much expectation that comes with Friday and the weekend. And, I actually like my job. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Once Bitten

Argh, I have a new addiction - YA paranormal/vampire series. I stay up very late at night breathlessly reading the adventures of teen vampires who rule NY.

Sure, I tell people it's for "research," but we all know the deal - I can't wait to read if Schuyler really ends up with Jake. :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Quitting Time!

It's 6:33 and it's sooooo time for me to leave. And today I get to drive Amber's sweet ride home because she has a date. Woohoo for both of us.

New Blog

Succint. I tend to write too much when i blog and then i end up not writing at all, so I decided to create ablog that is full of short entries. I'm trying on my writer's hat again and I thought writing daily on a blog would help. Hopefully this will work